BWI Active Member Application

Active Membership is assigned to any person who is engaged in writing, editing, publishing, broadcasting, telecasting, photography, art or lecturing, or who is employed full-time by a non-profit organization or agency and engaged in communication, conservation or promoting the recreational aspects of boating. Dues are $70 per year.

To apply for a supporting membership please click here.

I am joining as an
First name:Last name:
Company name:Web address:
Address line 1:Address line 2:
City: State: Zip/Mail code:
Business phone:Mobile phone:
Email address:
List me in the BWI directory?
I am engaged in marine communication as (check all that apply):
Newspaper Recreational boating magazine General interest magazine
Commerical marine magazine Website content - written Website content - video
Public relations Sponsored / marketing content Radio
Television / film Book Blog
Specifically I am: (check all that apply):
Writer Editor Blogger
Photographer Videographer Vlogger
Artist / illustrator Book author Broadcaster
Copy writer Filmmaker Lecturer
Producer / director Publisher Script writer
Specialites: (check all that apply)
Boat tests Business Educational / howto
Electronics Fishing General gear
General technical Lifestyle/adventure Propulsion (inboard/outboard/electric)
Safety Sailing/sailboats Sponsored content
Tow sports / watersports Travel/charter Other (please specify below)

CREDITS -- Magazine masthead title, website, book title, radio/TV show, etc. (Limit credits to those publications to which you have sold work in the last two years).